
About Us

Ways Forward: Let’s Talk & Listen is the initiative of ​the HK Forward Alliance, a group of independent Hong Kong individuals from different walks of life and of different beliefs but bound together by a common desire and commitment to contribute towards constructive change.

Dialogue has often been used to help societies take the next step after social strife: most recently seen in France’s grand débat, pursued after the gilets jaune movement. Dialogue amongst ordinary citizens have led to broadly acceptable solutions to both controversial social issues and to complex technical questions about reform.

We believe that Hong Kong people are committed to finding a solution for Hong Kong, and are knowledgeable enough to discuss the city’s problems and social issues. Our event hopes to give them the tools needed to contribute to resolving issues and reducing tensions.

International experts with experience in designing and facilitating conflict dialogues will share their insight, including the necessary conditions for dialogue to take place. Hong Kong experts will share their perspectives and ongoing initiatives. Forum participants will then work together through facilitated discussions to envision ways forward.